King Trail Events

All 4 routes will start and finish at Dairy Farm and are a single continuous run. There are no loops involved in any of the 4 race routes.



Flag OFF Times:

The race will be flagged off in a staggered wave format. This will involve several flag offs with a interval of 5 minutes between the waves. This measure is being implemented in line with strict new protocols and regulations mandated by Nparks. 




Wave 1 – 6.55am

Wave 2 – 7.00am

Wave 3 – 7.05am

Wave 4 – 7.10am

Wave 5 – 7.15am

Wave 6 – 7.20am



Wave 1 – 7.25am

Wave 2 – 7.30am

Wave 3 – 7.35am



Allocation to the different flag off times will be done following bib number sequence. 

Bib allocation to the different wave flag offs will be notified via email


Elite Runners Will Be Allocated To Wave 1 Flag Off At 0655hrs.



Mandatory Gear List For 42km & 50km:

1. A fully charged mobile phone

2. All Participants are to bring along a hydration vest or any means to carry a minimum of 1L of hydration during the race. Waterpoints are located at a average of 5 to 6km apart and hence we emphasize the importance of all participants to be carrying their own hydration throughout the race.



GPX Map: Click Here

Google Map: Click Here

Plotaroute: Click Here


GPX Map: Click Here

Google Map: Click Here

Plotaroute: Click Here


The route involves 3 road crossings which unfortunately could not be avoided in the course design. Road marshals will be deployed at all 3 road crossingsYou are to strictly follow the instructions of the road marshals at all times and do not attempt to cross the road at your own discretion. Failure to comply with road marshals instructions will result in a 2 minute time forfeit penalty being imposed without exemptions. A full 2 minute will be deducted from your finish time.


GPX Map: Click Here

Google Map: Click Here

Plotaroute: Click Here 

GPX Map: Click Here

Google Map: Click Here

Plotaroute: Click Here